Aaron Ramirez-Guzman

Jr. Strategist


 “You have no idea what a charming memory you are to me.”- Friedrich Nietzsche

Aaron’s our resident Coke Zero aficionado and self-proclaimed Joji expert. When he's not busy dazzling clients or holding impromptu gym discussions, you can catch him in the act — staring longingly at burger pics on his screen. We suspect it’s his secret workout motivation!

Don't let this junior strategist’s affinity for on-the-dot details and data-driven insights fool you — Aaron is as much a creative mind as he is an analytics fanatic. Whether he's pitching concepts, crunching numbers, or skillfully managing client relationships, his three-fold nature makes him a Swiss Army knife addition to our team.

Need someone to pitch concepts or break down data like a pro? Aaron's your guy. Just make sure you’re stocked on Coke Zero to keep the creative gears turning.


What attracted you to working in marketing and advertising?

An old friend of mine always said I was good at picking out details in things, that I could go on and on about a topic regardless of how small and indifferent it could be. I feel marketing and advertising do that. It’s all in the details.


What approach or philosophy do you apply to your profession?

Today holds a better idea than yesterday, but a worse one than tomorrow.


Favorite Bands/Musicians/Songs/Music Genre(s):

Joji, Frank Ocean, Rex Orange County


Favorite Movies:

Fantastic Mr. Fox, Superbad, Uncut Gems, Good TimE


Top Three Vacation Destinations:

Salzburg, Seattle, Big Bend National Park

Aaron on the web